Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Crazies

Anyone who works in retail knows that there are many crazy people out there and they all want to buy something from your store. Yesterday we were dealing with an amazingly crazy person at my work. This lady is a serious nut job. A few months ago we weren't able to provide her with the exact service she was looking for. Instead of being flexible, reasonable, or figuring out another way to deal with the problem she yelled at multiple people at my work for hours at a time. We of course were very appoligetic that we wern't able to meet her needs, and did everything we could to try to meet her needs, but she was not having any of it. She would not bend. She wanted exactly what she paid for, nothing more, nothing less, nothing different and when balistic when we didn't have it. She wanted to report us (to where, I have no idea) and tell everyone she knew to never buy anything from us ever again. It was a very traumatic week dealing with her, to say the least. The people who spoke with her needed some serious counseling after their encounter. Anyways, yesterday we ran into another problem with her. She had purchased two items at the very beginning and the second item just came up this past week. Well she had the misfortune of getting back in a similar situation, so what could we do? I was appointed to make the phone call to give her the bad news and I fretted about it the entire night and morning before. I knew that she was going to yell at me for at least half an hour. So I went to work and asked my co-workers how I should deal with this customer. They gave me great advice and then the best thing happened. My assistant volunteered to make this call. I could not belive it. I can tell you that no one wanted to talk to this lady because she was literally crazy, so I was in shock when she said that she would do it. So she called and got her voice mail. After that everyone in the office was apprehensive, to say the least, to answer the phone. We decided that answering the phone was like playing Roulette. You never knew who was going to be on the other line. The crazy lady never did call back, but I can tell you that I did everything I could to not be near my phone when it rang. Does anyone out there have any great crazy customer stories? I love hearing about them!! Please post a comment and the crazier the customer, the more entertaining the story!

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