Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday Night Dinner

For the past few years I have felt the need to go out to a restaurant for Saturday night dinner. After all, I have just spent 40 hours this past week busting my butt at work, so I deserve a treat when I get off work on Saturdays. Unfortunately this takes a huge toll on my bank account. So I've come up with an even better idea: cook dinner at home! While this may not be a revelation to the average person, it definitely is in my life. My dinners usually consist of frozen pastas heated by the microwave while my husband eats whatever he can find in the cupboards. After trying this out tonight I have found that the food is just as good, the company just as marvelous, and the bill much less expensive. Plus we have an amazing view out our window which no restaurant can compare to. A tradition is made! Hopefully this will last for awhile!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's Snowing?!

I was driving home tonight and when I hit Federal Way I found snow. In late March. It's supposed to be Spring!!! What the hell?! I can't believe that it is snowing right now. In Seattle. I'm in shock.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Poisonwood Bible

I just finished reading this book and it has made a fast rise up my favorite books list. It's a book about perception, stubbornness, and change. I picked it up because my younger brother had to read it for his high school English class last year and I needed a book to read. I was over at my parent's house and there it was--I no longer needed to risk my life visiting the downtown public library. I picked it up thinking that it was going to be this simple story of a conservative Christian family who stubbornly sticks to their own misguided views in the jungles of Africa. What I found out while reading the book that it was so much more than that. I admit that I don't know a lot about Africa. I thought that it was just that place where lions and giraffes roam and where some really poor people live. This book opened my eyes to the idea that it is much more complicated than that. The Poisonwood Bible is about a family changed by their experience in Africa. How Africa takes a hold of them and never lets go. I have a hard time imagining myself in a similar situation as those girls in that book. To be in a place where you have to fight to live and where there is so much political corruption all around. While I sit here on my cushy couch in one of the richest nations in the world I can't help but think about how fortunate I am and how blind we all are. The problem is that tomorrow I will go on with my life as if nothing has changed. And to tell you the truth, nothing has changed in my life. I can chalk it up to being a good story and nothing more, even though I know there was truth behind the fiction. So I guess the question is what can I do? How can I change the world? I don't have an answer right now, but the first step is admitting that there is a problem. The sign of a great book is when it makes you think about the world and life many days after you finish. This book gets an A+ from me!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Families & Holidays

I am just about to get off of work and drive to my family's house for dinner. I spend Sundays at my parent's house visiting and doing laundry (the dryers in my appartment complex suck!). I love my family dearly, but it always gets a little stressful during the holidays, especially since I have gotten married. It is so hard to juggle two different families with two different ways of life. My family is very organized and my husband's family is very last minute. So inevitably my husband and I have many stressful days leading up to any holiday. What to do? Both my husband and I are afraid that this will be the norm for all future holidays. Sigh. I guess that is life! Families can be so wonderful and so stressful at the same time! Well, lets look on the bright side, it is better to be wanted be too many people all at the same time then to be rejected by the people who should love us the most in this world. There is always a silver lining.

I'm back. . .for now

It has been awhile since I last posted. I have decided that I need a spot for my thoughts, as important as they are, so here I am back to my blog. Read on and enjoy!