Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday Night Dinner

For the past few years I have felt the need to go out to a restaurant for Saturday night dinner. After all, I have just spent 40 hours this past week busting my butt at work, so I deserve a treat when I get off work on Saturdays. Unfortunately this takes a huge toll on my bank account. So I've come up with an even better idea: cook dinner at home! While this may not be a revelation to the average person, it definitely is in my life. My dinners usually consist of frozen pastas heated by the microwave while my husband eats whatever he can find in the cupboards. After trying this out tonight I have found that the food is just as good, the company just as marvelous, and the bill much less expensive. Plus we have an amazing view out our window which no restaurant can compare to. A tradition is made! Hopefully this will last for awhile!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Oh, yay! Weekend cooking is always fun. Did you make enchiladas?